Executive Director
Ecoacsa Reserva de Biodiversidad
David is the Executive Director of Ecoacsa Reserva de Biodiversidad. Ecoacsa, a company created to develop environmental markets, biodiversity integration in management and Natural Capital Accounting. As CEO of Ecoacsa he is involved in many international panels, including his role as a Full Member of EU Platform Business @ Biodiversity Advisory Committee, member of the "No Net Loss of Ecosystems and their Services Working Group Meeting” (European Commission) and member of the Business and Biodiversity Offsets Programme (BBOP).
David promotes innovative projects with the aim of developing new environmental markets, mainstreaming natural capital into organizations and encouraging the valuation of ecosystem services. David is now leading several projects to develop natural capital in Spain, like the Natural Capital Summit.
Forestry engineer since 2001. Master in Business Administration at the European Business School since 2011.
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"A great collection of people attending and presenting - and the plenary sessions were awesome - certainly amongst the best I've ever attended"
James Spurgeon
Director, Sustain Value