Global Leader for Natural Capital
Bianca is a member of Arcadis nine person ‘Global Sustainability Leadership Team’ responsible for the development of strategy and overseeing delivery of a broad range of programmes that improve the quality of life. Through Arcadis’ commitment to sustainability, the firm owns the responsibility to sustain our world and society in a balanced way, with the health, safety and well-being of people and stakeholders central to all it does. Bianca’s purpose is to contribute to this.
Bianca’s contribution encompasses a wide range of activities including coordination of Arcadis’ WBCSD and WEF memberships, Arcadis’ role in delivering the Sustainable Development Goals and supporting business and governmental clients in all aspects of natural capital realisation.
Bianca is the global lead for Arcadis Natural Capital solutions. As part of this Bianca is involved in setting up a portfolio of solutions to create value using the concept of natural capital for clients. She is one of the co-writers of the Natural Capital Protocol, the international framework for business to include natural capital in a transparent, credible and actionable way into decision making. She regularly facilitates business in the creation of their Natural Capital Strategy and Action Plans on very different levels, either on corporate, site or supply chain level. Cities, through their ambition to become more climate resilient, increasingly see natural capital as a tool to do so.
Bianca leads Arcadis’ involvement with the Natural Capital Coalition and sits on behalf of Arcadis in the steering committee of the INDUS-Forum (Indo-Dutch CSR & Sustainability Forum).
Bianca brings her passion for nature to all her work and in her private time she sits in the sustainability commission of the NKBV (Dutch Mountaineering Association).
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"A great collection of people attending and presenting - and the plenary sessions were awesome - certainly amongst the best I've ever attended"
James Spurgeon
Director, Sustain Value